Rebar Bender Cutter Combos
Rebar cutter and rebar bender are combined into a compact rebar cutter bender fabricating machine.
Both bend and cut rebar when and where you need it with one self-contained portable machine. Never wait again because the fabricator can’t deliver on time or there is a last minute change order. Mistakes and shortages no longer have to hold up your concrete pour. It’s easy to make your own stirrups, chairs, hooks and L bars. All you need is a 110-volt outlet or generator.
Fascut offers two bender cutter combination models. The Model FS-600 Rebar Cutter Bender is portable enough to be carried by two people. Load it into the truck and take it out to the jobsite if needed. It will handle up to ¾” (#6) grade 60 rebar. For larger rebar and bigger jobs choose the Model FR-800-C Rotary Rebar Bender Cutter Combination model. It will go up to 1” (#8) grade 60 rebar or you can bend or cut three ½” (#4) bars at once.
Just click on one of the models above for specifications and even a video showing how easy it is to bend and cut rebar with FASCUT.